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secrets exhibition catalog


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The Secrets catalogue chronicles and contextualizes the exhibition with essays by Lucy R. Lippard and Maymanah Farhat. Here are two excerpts from their essays:

“One of the secrets that is a subtext to this show is the fact that despite all the hard work of warriors, politicians, and activists, the situation in the Middle East remains hidden from the general public in the United States. The surprise that greeted Jimmy Carter’s brave if not always accurate book is an indicator of our national ignorance.

As Tex Kerschen, a curator of the 2003 Houston exhibition Made in Palestine, said after visiting there: “Everything I used to believe about Palestine is wrong.” Knowledge and some understanding of each artist’s background are necessary for intelligent viewing, as are some detours around the way we are taught to look at art. This exhibition demands we pry into its secrets for the health of our own society.”

- Lucy R. Lippard

“There are countless examples of the difficulty, censorship, and opposition Palestinian artists face in the U.S. In light of these challenges, 6+ determined from the project’s inception that the touring of Secrets in American venues was an essential and necessary component of their efforts with Palestinian artists. As a platform from which the Palestinian reality can be addressed, Secrets remains aptly titled when brought into the context of a political climate that refuses to acknowledge the dire crisis that has resulted from the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The true nature of the occupation and the daily human rights violations executed by Israeli forces are secrets the American/Israeli stronghold attempts to maintain. By presenting Secrets to American audiences and facilitating the articulation of the Palestinian narrative, the collective creates an intermediary space within the American art world.”

- Maymanah Farhat

56 pages full color paperback edition / published by 6+